Samsung Health

 The Description

Samsung Health provides core features to keep up your body fit and healthy. It will record and analyze your daily activities and habits to help maintain successful diet and lead healthy lifestyle!
Whether you walk or run, hike or bike, play indoor or outdoor sports, you can add and track the various physical exercises and activities in a single step using the various built-in trackers. Samsung Health helps to create a balanced lifestyle pattern by recording a variety of information like your food, caffeine and water intake details.Provide your daily snacks, food, water and caffeine intake and track your diet and weight on the go while staying comfortable using the sleep & stress tracker. Manage health and environmental records such as heart rate, blood pressure, blood glucose levels  stress weight & using built-in sensors and third party devices! Trackers enable user to easily and quickly check meaningful data based on user preferences!Enjoy free exercise programmes of Weight loss, Balance training, Build muscle, Endurance training, and Running! The intuitive charts helpful tips and physical exercise programs guide you to achieve your fitness and diet goals!

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